Shota Ida Ambassador Blog Only
Meet Shota Ida.

Meet local adventurer, Shota Ida.

Originally from Nelson, BC, Shota moved to Revelstoke to work as a physiotherapist for Keystone Health in 2020. Shota captures gorgeous images of his adventures in and around Revelstoke and abroad.

Why do you love revelstoke?

Revelstoke has been amazing for all the obvious reasons (epic skiing, endless mountain biking, spectacular rock climbing, the list goes on and on...) but I think what has made me fall in love with Revelstoke is the strong sense of community rooted in Revelstoke. I love the fact that every night of the week has a social group where people can meet other like minded individuals while doing an activity they love. I was blown away by the amount of community events hosted around the city and how the turn out is always spectacular. We all know Revelstoke for the skiing and mountain biking but I think the real love comes for the community here.

What is your favourite treat in revelstoke?

Hands down, the Seedy Cinnamon Roll from the Modern Bakeshop and Cafe. I have to resist buying the whole tray every time I am in there.

Describe your perfect day in Revy.

The perfect Revy day starts by watching sunrise in a tent up top of Mount Begbie with a cup of coffee in hand. After a quick (but quad killer) jaunt down from Begbie, the next mission is to stop by Terra Firma's Kitchen to grab a killer breakfast (and likely another coffee). After enjoying the sunshine on the patio and a wonderful breakfast, I drive out to Lake Revelstoke with friends for a mid day dip and jump off the rope swing in the cool calm waters. As evening rolls around, a group of friends and I bike up Frisby Ridge to catch a spectacular sunset ride in the alpine late into the summer night. To end the day, what is better than a bonfire with friends, chatting about the day's adventures, and planning on the next epic Revy adventure for tomorrow.

What is your favourite viewpoint in Revy?

The view from Mount Begbie.

Ambassador Blog Only
Photo by Shota Ida.
Ambassador Blog Only
Photo by Shota Ida.

Where in Revelstoke do you get your adventure gear?

Depending on the gear I need but for biking and skiing it tends to be Skookum, for climbing gear I tend to go to Valhalla Pure Outfitters and for trail running supplies Universal Footwear is my go to! Does seedy cinnamon rolls fall into the adventure gear category cause if so the Modern is a go to (did I already mention that ;)).

Do you have any advice for people who are visiting Revelstoke for the first time?

Make a list of the things you want to see and do ahead of time using the Tourism Revelstoke website, social media and talking to members of the community. Use this list to provide you with a rough itinerary (there is a lot to do close by and its nice to have something to reference) but I would say be prepared to go with the flow and talk to the locals as I am sure all will have some wicked recommendations.

Where can people follow you on social media?

I'm on Instagram @shotaida.


When you're posting about your epic adventures in Revelstoke, use #TheRealStoke to share your Revelstoke experience with us.

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