Revelstoke made easy.
Below is a list of common questions from those who visit Revelstoke. Feel free to contact The Revelstoke Visitor Centre if your question has not made this list!
What is the Canadian currency?
What measurement system is used?
What are the taxes?
What is the time zone in Revelstoke?
What are the cannabis regulations?
How much should I tip?
What is the emergency number?
Do we need bear spray?
Make noise
Look for fresh bear scat
Travel in groups
Keep dogs on a leash
Carry bear spray and know how to use it
If you encounter a bear, give it LOTS of space
Follow trail closures and warnings
The Canadian dollar is divided into 100 cents. There are 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills. Smaller coins are 5, 10, and 25 cent pieces as well as of 1 (loonie) and 2 (toonie) dollars.
The metric system - degrees celsius and kilometres!
The Government of Canada charges 5% goods and services tax (GST) on most purchases. BC charges a 7% provincial sales tax (PST). Accommodations charge a 2% MRDT.
Revelstoke is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT -8 hours).
Cannabis is legal across Canada. In BC, people 19 years of age and older may smoke or vape cannabis in private homes or on private property. Rules about consumption in public places vary by municipality, so visitors need to check the rules of the places they are visiting. It is illegal to take cannabis across international borders. Travelers are expected to understand and abide by international travel laws.
It is customary to tip restaurant waiters, taxi drivers and hairdressers 15% of the bill before taxes. Bellhops, porters, doormen, etc. generally receive at least $2 per suitcase or per service rendered. Coffee and food counters often have a tip cup next to the cash register; spare change is always appreciated.
In case of emergency, dial 911.
Bears can be a common sight in Revelstoke. Parks Canada recommends that while on the trail, hikers should:
Parks Canada
Where can I get a Parks Canada entry pass?
Entry and service fees are charged at most national parks and national historic sites, where revenues are kept to support visitor services and facilities. You can buy your parks pass at the downtown Parks Canada Office (301 Third Street West), at the park gate in Mount Revelstoke National Park, or at the Discovery Centre in Glacier National Park.

Tips from local experts.
The Real Stoke
Fuel Your Fire Within.
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