Travelling can be hard on the environment.
At Tourism Revelstoke, we know that sometimes it’s the smallest things that make the biggest difference, so here are some of our top tips for small changes to your travel plans that can make a big difference to the environment.
Get Here Greener.
The best thing about Revelstoke is the same thing that increases the carbon footprint of most people’s visit here: we’re off the beaten path. This means abundant wilderness but it also means you’ll probably need to use some kind of vehicle to get here.
The good news is that Revelstoke is also a great place to travel to if you choose to travel by electric car. There are high speed charging stations throughout the Highway 1 corridor between Vancouver and Calgary, including high speed charging outlets conveniently placed in downtown Revelstoke! If you’re renting a car and an electric car isn’t an option, many of the larger rental outlets now offer a hybrid option. You can find charging stations for electric vehicles here.
Another great option for travelling here is using a carpool or rideshare option. Try for easy online booking with people who are already heading in your direction.
Public transport is another handy way to cut your carbon footprint whilst travelling. Rider Express runs between Vancouver and Calgary daily, stopping in Revelstoke both ways.

See more, emit less.
There are lots of zero emission options to get around town!
Once you’re here, it’s easy to explore the downtown core area by bike or by foot. The city has convenient places to park bikes throughout downtown and there are places in town to rent wheels if you didn’t bring them with you.
The greenbelt trail is a paved path that connects Southside to the Community Centre and is a great way to get around town. This easy access trail is multi-use and connects to a network of non-paved trails that weave down to the water (these trails are also off-leash areas for dogs).
Keep the green bits green.
There’s no doubt that the backcountry is the jewel in Revelstoke’s crown and it’s important that we all do our bit to keep it that way. Taking care to leave things how we found them is the best way to make sure that the pristine environment stays that way. Even items that we know will decompose can be problematic when they’re not disposed of properly and should always be packed out.
Other little things, like staying on the trail, can make a big difference to the delicate balance of the ecosystem in our area. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal to hop off the beaten track, every organism relies on the next and so that minuscule bit of damage from a stray boot or tire can really make a difference!

Revelstoke Inland Temeprate Rainforest

Limit the impact
If your hotel has miniatures of shampoo and conditioner and you don’t use them all, take them home with you.
Use the ‘do not disturb’ sign to ensure hotel rooms aren’t cleaned unnecessarily.
Eat local and explore options to reduce your food miles. There are many great options to eat local food in Revelstoke, from the farmer’s market on Mackenzie Avenue to restaurants, like Woolsey Creek Bistro, which specializes in sourcing local foods. Check out the Local Food Initiative for more information on where to get your hands on delicious food grown in Revelstoke and to find out more about the Local Food Challenge.
Recycle unused bear spray at the Revelstoke Landfill on Saturdays or find another group of travellers to pass it along to on your way out of town.
Travel with a keep cup. Many coffee shops in Revelstoke offer a discount for bringing your own mug!
Return recyclables to the depot to claim your deposits back. It may not be a lot of money per item- but every little helps! You can return items for a refund here.

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