
One Month To Go...

November often has a knack for feeling like the never-ending month. The sun sets by 4:30 pm, restaurants echo with emptiness as they await the impending winter crowds, and the once-inviting bike trails now lay closed. For those whose wallets won't quite stretch to a spontaneous Mexican getaway, it's all too easy to find yourself in a mopey state, marking off the days on your calendar until opening day at the resort.

But worry not, intrepid soul! Having weathered countless Novembers right here in Revy, we've created the ultimate Shoulder Season Survival Guide to rescue you from your dispair!


1. Fit Check

It's that time of year time to pull all your winter gear out of the cupboard, try it all on and evaluate the fit. Do your pants fit, do you still like your jacket, is there a gap between your goggles and helmet? If something is off, now is the time to fix it. There are other benefits too. Who knows what treasures might await you in those long-neglected pockets – perhaps an ancient granola bar or, if the stars align, a hidden $20 bill!

Pro Tip: a lot of ski shops have wicked sales in shoulder season to off load last years gear. If your helmet looks like it's been to war or your jacket is more duct tape than fabric, now is a great time to go shopping.

Opening night of the RAFF. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

2. Movie night

The Art Of Flight, All I Can, Aspen Extreme, Claim - The list is endless. Re-watching all your favourite movies is the best way to cure the infuriating impatience we all feel while waiting for the lifts to start turning. Grab your buddies, put on some popcorn, and re live the best edits of all time.

But wait, there's more! Shoulder season is when a fresh batch of movies come out. Almost every Friday and Saturday you'll see screenings of movies with big name pros as well as pubs playing the newest GoPro edits of local shredders. It's the perfect way to keep the stoke alive and cure your impatience as you await first chair.

wax bench

3. Wax Appointment

Hey, hair removal is a personal choice. We're talking about your gear! It's time to take your skis and boards to a trusted shop professional or find the buddy who's lived in town long enough to have their own wax bench set up.  Because let's be real, is it genuinely shoulder season if you haven't found yourself in a dimly lit basement, sipping on some cold beer, while inhaling the intoxicating scent of hot petex?

female on yoga mat lifting weight

5. More energy

In the wise words of Arnold Schwarzenegger "Down, up, come on - more energy!" How do you expect to go up the Stoke Chair and down the longest vertical in North America if you're still clinging to your couch, cozy and complacent? It's time to shed the weight from all those summer patio beers.

Imagine this: you, at the bottom of North Bowl, gasping for breath, and your buddies frantically dialing ski patrol because they're convinced you're in the midst of a full-blown cardiac crisis. Not the epic entrance you were hoping for, right? Get on the treadmill.


Ski Touring Backcountry Revelstoke

6. Plan Your Bucket List

What's on your winter wish list this year? Are you aiming to stomp that new trick, bag a new peak, or maybe even persuade a generous friend to take you out on their sled? As the gloomy days of November roll in, it's the perfect time to start plotting your epic missions. It's a an easy burst of dopamine to brighten up your mood as the precious vitamin D slowly fades away.

Start by making a checklist of all the places you want to explore and the gear you'll need. After all, nobody wants to be that person who drives all the way to Rogers Pass, only to realize they left their boots behind and forgot to do their winter permit.


6. Is Gnorm getting pitted?

So, picture this: it's one of those dreary days when the rain just won't quit. But before you groan in disappointment, hold on a second – that's actually great news. Why? Because when it's pouring in the valley, it's often dumping snow in the alpine. Want to be absolutely sure? Just swing by the webcams and pay a visit to our trusty friend, Gnorm the Powder Gnome! You'll find him near the Ripper Chair, working tirelessly to measure the fresh snow.


12. patience is a virtue

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Opening day will be here soon!

Find more things to do.

There's never a dull moment in Revelstoke. Whether you're looking to chill out or go full throttle, we've got plenty to keep you occupied during your stay. Revelstoke is a town for all seasons, with adventure waiting at your doorstep.


Revelstoke is home to two breweries and a distillery. Try a flight or tasty cocktail on the next rainy day!